Tennis Ball Fitness, Rehab, and More

With the US Open going on now, why not grab your racket and go hit the courts with a friend.  It’s all about having fun while strengthening your heart!

Not into Tennis?

You can still grab that tennis ball and use it for myofascial trigger point therapy or agility drills.

For upper back therapy:

  1. Have your back up against a wall, with a tennis ball between you and the wall.
  2. Use it the same way you would a foam roller. Find the most tender spot and press your back into the ball holding for at least 30 seconds.
  3. Breathe into the pose.  Go just to the point where it feels uncomfortable, but manageable.

For foot problems (such as plantar fasciitis):

  1. Roll it on the bottom of your foot for 5-15 minutes or press and hold on most tender spot for at least 30 seconds.

For agility and coordination:

  1. Try throwing the ball up against a wall, and catch it in the same hand.
  2. Run backwards 20 feet and sprint forward.
  3. Throw the ball and catch it with the opposite hand.

Need to improve your tennis game (or just want to switch up your routine)?

Muscle strength, cardio, and agility are important fitness components to focus on for tennis.  Below are a few of my older posts that are great for tennis conditioning:

Leg Exercises

Core Plank Exercises

Scapular Exercises

Cardio Drills

Agility Drills

Now go train or rehab like an athlete and GO ANDY!

5 thoughts on “Tennis Ball Fitness, Rehab, and More

  1. Pingback: Fitness For Tennis | Sam Stosur

  2. Pingback: Home Workouts: Tennis Ball Core Exercises | Joy, Fitness, & Style

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