Muscles too Tight? Try a Foam Roller.

If static stretches just aren’t doing the trick to loosen up tight muscles, then try self-myofascial release using a foam roller.

Put your body weight on the foam roller, rolling until you find the most tender spot.  You should feel the muscle releasing tension as you hold for at least 30 seconds.

It may take you a minute or so to even relax into the pose – your muscle may “fight” you.  Consider using less of your body weight if it feels painful (such as your IT band).

Rhomboids (Mid Back)

Rhomboids (alternate position)

Latisimus Dorsi (Back)

IT Band (Hip)

Piriformis (Butt)

You can use the self – myofascial technique on any muscle group.  Other examples are your hamstrings, hip flexors, inner thighs, and calf muscles.

I buy my foam rollers online, but I’ve seen them available at sporting goods stores, gyms, and physical therapy offices too. You could make a homemade version, but may end up paying about the same price after purchasing materials.

If you workout from home,  I really do feel that it is a smart purchase.  You can also use them for strengthening exercises and balance.  SO MUCH FUN!

21 thoughts on “Muscles too Tight? Try a Foam Roller.

  1. I have a problem with rollers…as in I have too many of them! They work, it just took awhile to find a good one. A bundled up and rolled old towel works great as well (if your cheap like me 🙂 )
    They come in handy!!

      • Yeah that is one way to do it! As always I have a story behind it…I’m either always broke or having metal objects placed in my body. So naturally I spend a fair amount of time with PT’s (Usually women who humble me). Thinking I’m a man’s man after this last surgery and that the idea of a normal roller was cool to use? I was swiftly slapped upside the head and told to roll a towel tight around something (I used a hockey stick and also a crutch LOL). Some med tape on the ends to keep it together and it works great! You can also just wrap a towel around a roller you find too stiff or hard…As I do now. Long answer, I apologize about that 😉 Have a great weekend!!!

  2. Great! I hope to find one of these in my area. It would be so nice to stretch the muscles without feeling the tension in them (pre-stretch tension). These stretches, I can see it now, will be so good for me.

  3. I’ve been looking into these! I saw one for sale at Marshall’s and I almost picked it up but it was only half a roll and flat on one side. Does it work the same or is that for other uses?

    • Look at Cultfits comment on how to make one too. It should be the full one, so you can roll it to really get into the most tender spot. I use the half ones for balance and leg exercises though. You should get it next time you go back there. I am such a huge fan of foam rollers! I feel it’s a must have for a home gym (along with dumbbells and stability ball).

  4. I feel silly buying a cylinder-shaped piece of foam… I wonder if there’s some kind of lazy substitute in my house. Any ideas? I’ve been meaning to try these rollers for awhile…

  5. I’m so going to buy it. I see the pic up here of the IB band stretch. That may help relieve the pain in the area. Sorry! I thought I already Liked this post. You have quite a few things on your website that’s helping me! Thank you.

    I guess it takes some balancing on my hand while I stretch the left hip (IT band stretch).

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