Soft Kettlebell Workout

Soft Kettlebell Workout

A great tool to add to your fitness toolbox (home gym) is a soft kettlebell or two. Soft kettlebells (SKB) are more comfortable than a weight plate or dumbbell resting on your body for certain exercises.  Sandbags will also work, but I do like having a handle to grip the weight. I bought my CAP Brand Soft Kettlebells from Amazon here.

This total body workout shown below are intermediate level exercises.  Start without weight to make exercises easier and with less range of motion, moving to a light kettlebell, and increasing weight as successful.  Successful means perfect form and executing each exercise with control.

*Exercise rules:

  • Stand tall with knees soft
  • Abs contracted in with length through both sides of your waist
  • Chest is open
  • Shoulders retracted and depressed
  • Neck and spine is neutral
  • Have fun!

Warm up with one set each (no weight):

  • Squats (15 reps)
  • Lunges (8 reps each leg)
  • Plank (20-45 seconds)
  • Opposite arm & leg lift (8 reps each side)
  • Bridge (20-45 seconds each leg) without weight.

Soft KettleBell Exercises 1

Soft Kettlebell (SKB) Lunge (Targets thighs, hips, and glutes):  Stand tall in a staggered stance with SKB on your shoulder.  Bend knees and lower down a 3 count, hold a 2 count, come back up 3 counts. Repeat for 8-12 reps. Switch legs.

SKB Squat (Targets thighs, hips, and glutes): Stand with feet hip width or wider, SKB either on shoulder or resting on upper back (must keep head in a neutral position). Bend knees (keep weight on your heels) and lower down a 3 count, hold a 2 count, come back up 3 counts.  Repeat 8-12 reps.

SKB Side Lunge (Targets inner thighs and glutes):  Stand with feet wider than shoulders, SKB resting on back of shoulder. Bend you right knee and keep weight on your right heel. Repeat same 3/2/3 count for each rep (8-12 reps).

SKB Chop (Targets biceps, core, hips, and thighs):  Hold SKB in your right hand and cup the bell with your left hand.  Shoulders are retracted and depressed with your chest open.  Let go of your left hand and chop the SKB by your right thigh while pushing your hips back.  Use power from your hips to bring SKB forward again, bending the elbow at the end of the motion (bicep curl) and catch the weight with your left hand.  Repeat for 8-12 reps.

SKB Back Row (not shown; targets back):  Stand in a staggered stance with SKB in one hand. Row arm up (like you are starting a lawn mower) at a 3/2/3 count pace for 8-12 reps.

Soft Kettlebell Exercises 2

SKB Kneeling Twist (Targets sides of core and glutes): In a kneeling position and holding SKB, twist slowly from side to side.  Don’t collapse forward or push your butt back – stay tall!  Go side to side for 30 seconds.

SKB Plank (Targets core): With the SKB on your tailbone, hold a plank position (hold 20-45 seconds). Start from knees, progress to toes, progress to knee drops (keep hips in the same position the whole time), and progress to alternating tap outs as successful.

SKB Push Up (not shown; targets chest and core): From plank position, perform slow push ups.  Lower down 3 counts, hold 2 counts, come up 3 counts.  Repeat for 8-12 reps.

SKB Side Kneeling Leg Lift (Targets outer thigh on top leg and glutes on stable leg):  From a side kneeling position, rest SKB on outer thigh.  Press your shoulder down away from your ear.  Raise your leg as high as possible leading with your heel (don’t rotate toe up).  Raise and lower leg at 3/2/3 count pace for 8-12 reps.

SKB Inner Thigh Leg Lift (Targets inner thigh):  From a side propped position, rest SKB on inner thigh above knee. Raise and lower leg a 3/2/3 count pace for 8-12 reps.  Keep ribcage lifted throughout the entire motion.

SKB Opposite Arm & Leg Lift:  (Targets core stabilization):  Rest SKB on tailbone as you perform opposite arm and leg lifts.  Focus on keeping hips as still as possible and abs in tight.  Raise and lower at a 3/2/3 count pace.

Soft Kettlebell Exercises 3

SKB 1 Leg Bridge (Targets hips and glutes):  From a bridge position with one knee extended, place SKB on the same side. Raise and lower hip at the 3/2/3 pace for 8-12 reps. Switch sides and repeat.

SKB Transfer (Targets core): Perform crunches while transferring SKB from hands to shins with each crunch.  Move slowly and keep shoulders retracted and depressed as much as possible.  Repeat reps for up to 1 minute.

SKB Crunch & Shin Slide (Targets core): Place SKB on shins. First perform a crunch, lower down and press your shoulder blades, arms, and head down into the ground as you extend your legs out away from you as far as possible.  Keep your spine in a neutral position.  Slide shins back in and perform another crunch.  Repeat sequence for up to one minute.

Go through a few stretches…


and your done!

*Consult your physician before starting any new exercise program.

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